Welcome to LM Quail Farms
The home of the very best Georgia Quail Farm offering quality Wisconsin Bobwhite Quail eggs, chicks & adult Quail.
Here at LM Quail farm, we strive to produce fast flying, weather conditioned, and healthy Wisconsin Bobwhite Quail.
Unlike a number of quail suppliers all our birds are raised outside and we have NO dark house raised birds at all. This means that our birds are fully exposed to all the natural elements of weather so they will acclimate faster and stronger once released on your property. Because of this acclimation at our quail farm we guarantee a very high survival rate.
Added to the raising of our birds, we feed our quail only the best blend of nutritional mix. This develops the birds flight, feathers, and makes them the best and healthiest Wisconsin Bobwhite Quail on the market. All our birds are NPIP – National Poultry Improvement Plan approved and are blood tested on a regular basis.

Experience counts at LM Quail Farms
With over 25 years of experience LM Quail Farms have developed various systems of raising quail with very minimal human contact, which creates a very wild and perfect bird for hunting.
By using LM Quail Farms
You’ll know you’ll get a commitment to all our customers is to supply you with the finest, top quality Wisconsin Bobwhite Quail available anywhere in the country and to also provide you with the highest quality personal service. So call us today for your bird order, thanks and happy hunting.
LM Quail Farms supply:
Sold by Tray, ready to incubate at your facility.
Day old chicks, ready to raise at your facility.
Full grown flight ready quail, ready for your facility.
Dead frozen birds, for pet stores & reptile hobbyist.